
Activities Reports

As most of you have heard, we have begun the process of sending reports to the owners. These are good for a few reasons, It keeps the owners in the loop and it gives us a way to have all issues that we deal with on a daily bases. We can use them later to pull up reports on individuals and subjects to see how often they have occurred. A couple of things to be mindful when writing these reports. 1st off, label the reports in the header as followed "Daily Activities on --/--/--" or "Nightly Activities on--/--/--". By doing this it will be easier to pull up and review our reports. Next, in the report, please include your name and the names of the managers on duty. Also, if you are writing the night report, please include the final sales for that day and the labor percentage. These reports are not letters but informational reports of the activities. We should try and be as factual as possible by leaving full names of crew that we are talking about, and issues that are important to the running of the store. Individual complaints and stories about how everything happened. We need to be specific about our details, but leaving our emotions out of the report (just the facts). The best part about this process is that we are not leaving notebooks with personal information laying around the office. We would not want some of the things that we will need to write laying around for everyone to see. Last thing to be aware of is that we will be doing this for each shift. That means one for morning shift and one for night shift. It would be my suggestion to have the person that is doing the paperwork at the end of the night to put it on the list of things to do. That is only a suggestion and does not mean that the other managers cannot do the report. I hope this sheds little light on what is expected from you with the reports. As always, if you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to ask Cara or Ray at any time. Thank you again for all of your hard work.


The Curl Newsletter Nov07'


What we have created here is a news letter to inform you of issues that we are dealing with. Hopefully this will be helpful to understand our issues in each area and have to the knowledge to share when a crew member asks you about certain things. The Layout out will be as followed:

  • Intro and where we are at
  • Whole house
  • Grill
  • Chill
  • Service
  • Closers
  • Openers
  • Closing

Most of the issues will be brief but if there is any questions are you need further information, please feel free to contact Ray or Cara.

Entire House
  1. Communication among Managers must stay professional. We will not be tolerating cursing at, to, or around crew or other managers. The ones that this pertains to know who they are and must cease. We are professionals and must speak as such.
  2. Managers must also treat each other with respect. There has complaints of managers talking down to other managers. We are all equals when it comes to respect.
  3. Coming in late, Leaving during shifts, and leaving early are becoming a regular occurrence. This is not an issue as long as it does not effect our labor and it is approved by the remaining managers on that shift. they have the right to deny the request if it causes issues within the shift.
  4. Borrowing money from the safe by managers is still allowed, but must be paid back by the next paycheck. Crew are not to borrow from the safe.
  5. Schedule changing of crew should be noted by a manager. This is to avoid crew scratching on the schedule and having uncovered shifts.

Grill Managers

  1. Use timers on the fry station
  2. Use Temp Sheets on every shift for record keeping (Forms are in the office)
  3. Regulate food waste by not over cooking meat and portioning shrimp
  4. Oil is to be done as pre-closing duties at night
  5. Know you boosting codes
  6. Fry freezer is to be unplugged and thawed on wed. nights

Chill Managers

  1. Freezer is to be unplugged ad thawed on wed. nights
  2. Lids must be on waffles to keep from getting soft
  3. Pre-close duties should started and completed by 9:30PM

Service Managers

All Trash must be emptied


  1. The quality of product is still suffering due to our pre-closing process. Do not sacrifice quality for timely closings.
  2. If there is a process of pre-closing that will expedite our night get approval from Kenny, Cara, or Ray before putting into action
  3. Take out all rags
  4. Check your closing crew out before they leave
  5. Check Garbage
  6. Check for food in sinks
  7. Check Cooler
  8. Check Freezer
  9. Money is the last duty not the first
  10. All Managers must stay until all managers are done
  11. Closers will be called in if these issues are left
  12. PM Shift managers coming in are to support AM shift managers- This means that the AM shift Managers are in charge and will issue out breaks and cut crew as needed

  1. Do not leave without setting up night crew
  2. Check with closers before leaving

In Closing
Overall we are doing well. Our Labor has improved and we are getting deep into the off season without any problems. Some things to be aware of. We are going to be testing you on your Grill and Chill knowledge in Dec. This is a deciding factor on your training for upper management. Please find the training books and begin studying. Also if you are in need of the Servesafe course, get that taken care of ASAP. These are things that will determine the speed of your position in the company. Thank you again for being apart of this team and continue to take ownership in this store.