
opening Monday August 27th

Alright so we have been hard at work for the past 9 days with training and have learned a lot of things with a lot of practice with dry runs and VIP parties. So today (Sunday) is our one day of rest before we open our doors. Are we ready? We have had the help of Eddie , Mike and John from Corporate to help us with gathering our needed supplies and trying to put our focus in the right direction. I feel as though we are ready for the rush. There are plenty of things that we will be ironing out this coming week, but we will get it down soon. One other thing that I wanted to share was something that John set up for us. If you check the G-mail, you will see a DQ update message that comes once a day. What this does is searches the web for anything dealing with DQ and then posts shows you the link to it. Some of it is garbage, and some of it is interesting. Check it out some time.


Just something to be aware of, If you were to go to My maps on the gmail site you would find each of the managers marked on a map. This could be helpful if you are looking fo a ride to work and to see where the other managers live. We are quite a spread out group. I will try to keep this updated, but if you can help by keeping your address current in case you move would be helpful. I will also keep the new locations for our future stores on this as they come available. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.



Every time I turn around someone else is quitting. Today we lost another manager. Well here is a little test for you to try to see if you are cut out to be at DQ. Actually, it's just a game, but check it out. It's pretty funny because there is some true in it. I have gotten past the 1st level so I don't know what happens if you don't get fired. So click HERE to check it out.


It seems to be a conspiracy

I guess it's not that bad, but we are at another block in the road. It seems as though we have added a couple of more days to our expected building turnover. We have also seen some changes in our management team from last we met.It seems as though Sherry has decided that she is not going to be staying with DQ. We are still meeting on Wednesday and hopefully we will all be assembled as the management team and see all the new faces added. We are still looking for some more crew personnel, so let us know if there is someone that you know that you would like to be apart of the opening team. A simple e-mail to the site will let us know and we will work out an interview time for them.