
A Night Out

The other night, I decided to go out for an ice cream with my wife. Of course this brings up the argument as to which place to go. It is a simple plan, we were to go out and get a dipped cone for my wife and I and bring home a small sundae for my mother-in-law that was watching our daughter. After a short drive, we went to Mc D's which has disappointed us two times before because they were always out of something which prevented us from getting ice cream. When we got to the counter, sure enough, they were out of cones. Ok, so now it's my wife's turn to choose where to go. A short drive later and we come to the next stop. In this ice cream shop, there is another couple standing there waiting for service but nobody behind the counter. Odd... We politely waited a couple more minutes and still nobody behind the counter. I noticed the discouragement on the other couples face, so I did what most people would do, (well , maybe not) I went behind the counter and went into the back storage room to go look for the crew. When I opened the door to the back room, one was on the phone and the other was sitting down reading a book. I could tell by the look on their face that I kinda surprised them. I asked if they were still open (a stupid question since it was only 7:30 PM), which they replied stunned. After making my way back out to the front, only one of the two girls came out to find 6 other people now waiting for service. Her excuse to them was, sorry the bell on the door doesn't work anymore. This didn't stop my wife from ordering, but by this time I was kinda irritated. Well, we were still needing a sundae to take home, so on our trip back we stopped by another drive thru and ordered a simple hot fudge sundae. Surely the worst of the night had pasted. When waiting in the drive thru you could see that the car in front of us had a dog in the lap of the driver. When the girl in the drive thru past the food out of the window she stuck her head into the car and loved on the dog with kisses and petting. Don't get me wrong I am a dog lover, but this was a little bit strange to see. Of course as we were pulling into the window, my wife made a comment "I hope she washed her hands after that". rolling up to the window, you could see her in the distance making the Sundae, which meant that there was no way that she had time to wash her hands before doing that. This was the kicker, while walking towards the window she sneezed with the lid in one hand and the sundae in the other (can you imagine which she used to cover her mouth). She showed no signs of knowing what she just did and greeted us with a great big smile. I noticed on her name tag that she was the Asst. Manager of that store which really disappointed me. Now This was not one place that all of these things happened, but a combination of three different places which leads me to believe that this happens to a lot of people, a lot of the time. I hope that as Managers, we can recognize these short comings in our competition and not allow these things to occur at the DQ. We will be trying to prove to the locals that we are where they want to bring their business and not be labeled as another nasty fast food joint. The only way that we will be able to do that is by not allowing things like what we experienced to happen with our service. It will be up to us as managers to control all of these issues like, guest services, having enough product, and hygiene. The owners are very clear about their expectations when it comes to hygiene, so let us work as a team and not disappoint them.


Touching Bases

We have been getting closer and closer to the coming day. I hope that you are all as excited about getting started as I am. We are going to be having the hiring dates on Monday thur Thursday of next week and I hope that all of you have been gearing up potential crew members. I am sure that there are people that you have workd with are still work with that you feel could be an asset to the company. We want to see them on those hiring dates. On Thursday we will be touring the Work site which means that will need everybody to come in clothes that are comfortable and don't mind getting dirty. You have seen the pictures online, but nw we will be out there in the dirt and it is dirty. Don't forget to bring something to drink as well. Write down any questions that you might have, like will we have Birthday parties, or will there be Car Shows in that hugh parking lot, or maybe, what are we going to do for the locals to bring them in during the winter. If you have the answers, bring them too. Once again, this is your site and for you to communicate with us. so feel free to leave a comment at the bottom or post your own blog. Have a great day and we will see you on Thursday.


The Curl

This is another way to communicate with all of the managers. Their will be a small posting of the splash page whenever there is a new posting in which you can read at your convenience and add comments whenever you would like. Some of you may be familiar with Blogger and the way it works. You are more than welcome to go in and tweak it and add elements if you would like. We just ask that you keep it professional and if you plan to post a blog that it be in regards to information with DQ and what we stand for. There will be times when we may post information that may be interesting for you as managers and could help in your growth as leaders. ~ ray